
Showing posts from March, 2019

Post-7: Referencing Styles & Formatting your References

Dear All,  T his post explains to you how to make references to the resources, such as journal articles, books, websites and more in your writing. As you know and as we discussed today during the class, there are 2 kinds of references you should provide in your writing.  The first kind of references is made in the text you are composing, and thus they are called in-text. They include the following information: The author's or authors' last name(s) followed by t he page number(s ): e.g., In his book "Crafting critical writing", the author Troy Hicks discusses different features of writing across media and genres (Troy, 4) In the end of your work, you should have a full list of references that has information about all the resources you have used in your work. It is  alphabetical and must contain the following  details:   T he author's name or authors' last name(s), year of publication, NAME of the journal/book/website,...

Post 6: Drafting your new essay

Dear All, today you are going to start working on the draft of your new essay. There are 2 resources I shared with you earlier during the semester: 25 Creative Prompts: 100 Inspirational Essay Topics:  It lists a large number of interesting essay prompts. Look through these resources quickly, choose a topic you are interested in discussing. Then do the following: 1. In the thread of your blog explain why this topic seems interesting to you and what you hope to discover by writing on it. 2. Decide what arguments you will discuss 2. Decide what supporting evidence you need to make your essay persuasive: - statistics - opinions taken from the discussion of this topic with your peers and/or family members -your own experience -smth else 3. Decide what type of essay you are going to write: For-and-Against Opinion ...

Post-5: Summary Post on the Elements of the Writing Theory

Dear All, I am sorry I wrote a very detailed post with a lot of information you need to remember to write more confidently and with a better understanding of what you should pay attention to. Unfortunately, though, it disappeared when I started publishing it. No idea why it happened because I was doing it on my laptop and the connection was good. So, here is what I was able to restore: Patterns of organization: can help you revise the main patterns of essay organisation Here is a helpful resource with information about the things to remember when writing different types of essays:   Also, here is a reminder about the essay organization patterns: Patterns of organization More about writing an Opinion essay: Opinion Essay More about an Argumentative essay: Argumentative Essay Things to Remember... (to be continued) Content ...

Post 4: Choosing topics for discussion

Dear All, I'd like to share with you two resources, which both list a variety of engaging (I hope) topics for discusion and expressing your opinions about them in your works. What I am inviting you to do is look through them and choose 4-5 you personally will be interested in discussing. Here you are: 25 Creative Prompts: 100 Inspirational Essay Topics: In the thread below let us know what you have chosen and possibly explain what made you interested in these topics. Also, later today I'll share with you a list of topics covering the writing theory, which I'de like you to look through and list the ones you think you'd like to learn more about or revise. After you have chosen the topics do the following: 1. Think of the arguments 2. Collect the resources to support your arguments 3. Decide how to organize it: --what type ...