Week 10: How to improve your vocabulary mastery

Dear  All,

I hope you'd find the tasks I've prepared for you for today useful as well as interesting. What I'd like to discuss with you are some useful techniques for learning new vocabulary. I'm sure you've discussed some aspects of this topic before, so first I'm inviting you to share with your peers in your groups of 2 or 3 the following question:

What's your favourite technique for memorizing, recollecting and brushing up your vocabulary? Share your answers in the thread.

Next, I'm inviting you to read the artile about some strategies for learning vocabulary which are associated with what is known as spaced repetition learning strategies:



Have you used a similar strategy? If yes, can you share your experience with us by first discussing it with each other and then sharing it in the thread.

After that I'd like to ask you to share the list of dictionaries you use on a regular basis and explain your reasons for your preferences (I think it'd be better if you completed this task at home and published your responses by November 12, a couple of days before the next class

Still after that, I'm inviting you to complete the exercises Onestopenglish website aimed at giving you some practice in brushing up your dictionary skills:

Hope these activities will be useful and give you some idea about how to improve your knowledge of vocabulary further.

If you find some more useful techniques and strategies to master your vocabulary, please share.


  1. Dear All,

    I'd like to share with you one of very useful techniques to remember words based on associations known as mneumonics. Here is a link to a wikipedia article about it as regards language study: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mnemonics#Languages

  2. I like learning words by making paper cards with definitions. I just go through them from time to time to memorise the words. Also I use the app "Quizlet" and make flash cards. And one more method is less productive for me but I hope that someone can find it interesting and useful: you write a word, for example, "dog". Then you make a sentence in Russian language that contains the letters of this word: "ДОма Грозная собака." It's very easy to remember, I hope that I explained it in a clear way.

  3. We are checking the comment options: N.Yu. & Dasha

  4. Good afternoon everyone! As for me, I'm going to tell you about one adoreble app for memorizing new words. 'Quizlet' is one of the most popular app amoung my compandres. Nowadays I can learn about 50 words for only one evening! It's really useful for everybody, especially, for students! If you don't know about this app, please, try it!

    1. Arina, it'd be helpful if you described your vocab learning procedure with Quizlet. Can you?

  5. Dear All.

    I've just learned from you that you have used quite a few apps for learning vocabulary, so I'd like to ask you to add them to the thread below and also explain which one(s) you prefer and why

  6. I am really obsessed with the way of memorizing Im going to tell you about. You make your own handwritten dictionary and read it through again and again. That is it. That is the tea.

    1. Katya,

      I'm really intrigued by your idea! Can you explain in more detail what you need to do to create your own dictionary? Do you have one? Can you show it to us and explain how you use it?

    2. The best method. Always do like this and it really works!

    3. I have an A6 notebook. There are two columns: the first one contains new words and the second one contains their translation. Every week I learn some number of new words and also read through the old ones. It really helps me to remember words.

    4. I see. Thanks. I now realise that what you actually meant is not a "dictionary" but a "vocabulary list". Now it makes sense, though the idea of your own "dictionary" is still fascinating, though it is for the truly great scientists. Are you familiar with the names of some of the Russian, British and Amercan lexicographers? Do you know their stories, i.e., how they came to creating their dictionaries?

  7. Dear All,

    I'd also like to share with you some information about the use of mneumonics for the Russian speakers of English. I've found it in one of the blogs I'm following, and am inviting you to read this post and try out some of the tips listed there:


    And I'd like to ask you to share with us your experience in memorizing some vocabulary and grammar using these techniques.

  8. Hello, everyone! I found this post very interesting and useful. I think I will check these methods and I hope they will fit me! Thank you for sharing us!
    Now i'd like to share with u my own method. Do u know the app Quizlet? I always use this app when i have to remember a lot of difficult words. It's very convinient and simple in use. I hope u will download this one and check it. It's not an advertisement!

    1. Natasha,

      thanks for your post about Quizlet. Can you add to it some tips that you think can help your peers to use it more effectively?

    2. U have to use this app regularly if u want it to be useful. U can make a schedule of using this one. If u use it chaotically when u suddenly remember about it, it won't work.

  9. Hello there!
    The system described in the articles is very interesting and maybe very useful, but I just got used to learn new words by pronouncing them out loud many times. Actually, I don't spend a lot of time on memorizing them. Usually I spend 10 or 20 minutes to memorize new words and 30 to an hour when I have to memorize some really difficult words or constructions.

    1. Kirill,

      you are not saying that because you have used one way of memorizing vocabulary for a long time you are not ready to try smth else? You are a young person and I'm sure you can try to use smth else in addition to the old and tried method you have described

  10. I use paper flesh cards for memorizing new words (esp. Chinese). For example, I write hieroglyph with its pinyin (pronunciation) on the one side of the card, and its definition on the other one. I've been learning to draw for about 10 years, that's why I have a visual memory. So, that's why it's easier for me to remember a picture (hieroglyph) than a word (pinyin). When I go to somewhere by bus or by tube, I continuously repeat the writing of the hieroglyphs by looking through my cards.

    1. I see. Thanks for the explanation. But you use this technique more for remembering words in Chinese, right? What about English?

  11. Hello everyone!
    To tell the truth,I come across Leitner system for the first time ,but I must admit that I do use practically the same strategy to memorize new words.I make some flashcards,after the first looking through them ,I sort the words that I cannot remmember out forming a separate group of words.Then , for the second time ,I study only them and if there are some words that I have already memorized I put them in the first group.After that I continue flicking though them untill I realize that I have managed to remember all of them.If there still some words that are difficult to remember ,I find them in the context.To finish my work up ,I write all the words down to see whether I have some spelling mistakes,if there some-I correct them in red pen and rewrite them for 10 times.It really helps to remember words for a short period of time !I am so glad that now I know the way to prolong my memory for words!Thank you for sharing!

    1. Hello Masha,

      thanks for you explanation. It was really interesting for me to learn more about your way of learning new words and memorising them. The tecfhnique you have described is definitely helpful to remember the spelling but what do you do to remember the usage of words? Maybe I did not understand it from your explanation?

    2. Well,before writing words down into a small piece of paper,I look all the words up in the dictionary to see the context of their usage ;that is why, I hardly ever come across such a problem


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