Sermester 2: Task 1 A Global Student

Dear All,

Welcome to the second semester of the Academic Writing course! I hope you had a good semester break and are ready to continue mastering your writing skills.

Today we're going to discuss what students' life around the world is like and then create a guide for the students from other parts of the world coming to study at our university.

It'd be great if as part of this task you could interview a student from another department about what his/her life at the university is like and what kind of experiences s/he has had, both good and not quite.

In the end I'm hoping that we'll be able to create this guide that your peers will be able to use to make their life easier.

In the thread below please share a summary of your discussion of the qus in Ex 1

Also, here is a link to the University of East Anglia students' guidebook:

You should look through it quickly to have an idea about its contents so that you could use some of the ideas in your own guidebook. Also, pay attention to how the sections are structured and use this structure in your guidebook.

To prepare your guidebook you should decide on the order of the sections and coordinate publishing your sections so that they would be organized in a logical order. You can use the order you of the Guidebook we had a look at or arrange it in a different order that would match the logic of your guidebook

I'd like you to decide which template you would like to use for your guidebook. Here is a list of some to choose from:



Could you add the section of the guidebook you'd like to write?


  1. Hello everyone! I think that lectures are good in some ways. You can get as much information as possible, but you can't ask a question if something is not clear. Practical lessons are useful, I like the way these classes are taught but sometimes it's not much time for everyone to speak with a teacher.

    1. Thanks for sharing your opinion.Can you suggest is some solution that will be acceptable for both students & Ts then?

    2. > Can you suggest whether there is some solution that... sorry missed the conjunction "whether"

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Yana and I have discussed two pictures which show ways of teaching and learning.
    In the first picture students listen and write which helps them memorise information and refresh by the help of notes, but the group is big and it is a disadvantage.
    In the second one we can see the small group of students and it is a really effective way of studying, however students don't take notes.

    1. Thanks for sharing your ideas with us. Which of these 2 methods works better for you? Does it depend on the content of the course and/or its goals and objectives?

  5. Hello, Everyone!
    Melissa & I have discussed the pros & cons of lecture & tutorial education which are shown on two pictures. The first way of studying demands from the students to be more attractive and focused. They should be able to write the entire information and be ready to answer the lecturer's question if it's necessary. As for me, I like more the second type, because during such classes the students are involved in speech more intensely and they can share their own opinion with the other people.

    1. P.S. I'm sorry, my comment was published as Kate's. This's Dasha's.

    2. Thanks for letting us know. Sharing your thoughts and & opinions is very important indeed. From your experience, what some ways that work better are used at our department to help to do it?

  6. My partner Dasha Fomchenko and I have commented on two pictures. We compared them and discussed the both situations depicted there. Firstly, we have overtalked pros and cons of two types of studying. The first illustration shows us a lecture-like type of studying. The second one - reflects a seminar (tutorial). We have come to a common conclusion that both ways of studying are effective. Dasha thinks that during the lectures students are much more focused on their work, as they should listen to the lecturer attentively and make notes they need for passing their exams. However, I personally think that seminars are much more productive and useful, as a student usually takes part in it, so that he thinks more, gets an experience in this or that subject. I have experienced both types of classes. I prefer having seminars (tutorials), because I am an active person, and like to take part in discussions, while during lectures I am usually feeling sleepy and bored.

    1. Thanks for providing such a detailed answer. So, you think that the style a student prefers primarily depends on him/her? What about the Ts' styles? Can they affect the ss preferences?

    2. Yes, I suppose that it depends on him/her mostly. However, it can also depend on a teacher himself, on the way he/she gives the material, and on style. The more unusual the lesson, the more interested the students are.

  7. I prefer to study in a small group, because this method is more profitable. You are involved into the subject, you listen and answer teacher's questions. Also you can discuss something with your groupmates. This is more interesting than just to listen and write lectures.

    1. Do you mean "beneficial"? Can you share an example of some class you have attended that you remember as being particularly effective and memorable in this regard?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Our Chinese classes are always very effective, because we ask the teacher about some things we don't understand. I think, it helps us to be more into the theme of our discussion.

  8. Hello everyone!
    Today I together with my groupmates've discussed the most convinient way of studying in groups.Three people were involved ,and as a result , we have two people who prefer practical tasts in small groups to lectures with a big number of people. As for my opinion, well , I consider studying in small groups to be very effective , because if there are any questions , you can ask a teacher and immidately get an answear. Moreover, you can thoroughly discuss any issue. Feedback is what you have in small groups,and this is the thing that you don't have at any lecture.

    1. Maria, thanks for sharing your opinion with us. I quite agree with you about the benefits of studying in small groups. Indeed it can help to make the instruction more individualised and personal, with more targeted feedback being part of it. Can you remember an example of partricularly useful feedback you received from your peers, on the one hand, and that from the Teacher, on the other? What was so useful about it?

  9. I'd like to write about examinations.

    1. You didn't extend this further. Were you planning to? If yes, you should have done so.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I'm glad everybody has been able to choose the sectioun of the guidebook you are interest6ed in. So the task is to add the information about your chosen section and write it

  12. Good morning, everybody) I guess teaching for limited number of students is the better way of studying. Seminars are more productive, as almost everyone takes part in the discussion. It's hardly possible to do the things which aren't conserned to the lesson.

    1. Can you share a specific example of some seminar that meets the criteria you have mentioned?

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Hello everyone!
    I've chosen 'MENTAL WELLBEING' as a subject I want to wtrite about

    1. Masha, this is a great choice. Can you specify what sources of information you are going to use to write about it? Are you going to use your own experience and/or collect some information from your peers? It'd be great if you managed to do both to be able to discuss this topic at a broader level.

  15. Good morning!
    I'm going to work on the 14 topic - Timetable.

    1. Natasha,

      can you specify what kind of information you are planning to cover when writing about the timetable? Isn't it smth. managed by the university scheduling office for the most part? Yes, I know that you can have a say in it but isn't it rather limited in the end? My point is that I think "Timetable" is a very narrow topic, isn't it? Maybe your idea about the content of this section is different from what I've decsribed. If it's, then it'd be great if you have given us some extra details.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Arina, this is a very important aspect of your students' life, so it'd be great if you shared the information about it in the guidebook with everybody. It'd be great if as part of it you talked with some students and shared their experience in your section of the book with us.

  17. Hello everyone!
    I’d like to focus on the topic of ‘Study Skills’

    1. Natasha,

      a great choice! It'd be great if you too collected some information from your peers to have a range of experiences represented in this section of the Guidebook

  18. Hello there!
    I can write about getting the university email adress and about orientation in campus.

    1. Hello Kirill,

      By orientation on campus you mean how to get around, don't you? OK. But let me just add that "orientation" also means "introduction to different aspects of studying and doing things at the university, such as different clubs and societies you can be a memer of, different activities you can take part in and/or initiate, for example.

  19. Hello!
    Yana and I have chosen "Ways of spending time during the gaps between classes".

    1. Oh, great! This is a wonderful topic to share ideas about with everybody! It'd be great if you managed to collect some ideas from your peers and shared them in your section of the guidebook.

  20. Good morning everybody! I would like to write about extracirricular activities

    1. Arina, please, do! Again, it'd be great if you managed to collect some information from your peers to be able to write about it from a broader perspective.

  21. Dear All,

    let me remind you that we agreed you'd work on writing the section of the Students' Guidebook yuo have chosen and share it with me by Mn evening so that I could create a flipbook from your materials. I'll share it with you as soon as it's ready. Hopefully by Tu next week.

    Don't forget to share some images to accompany your section of the guidebook with me too.
    Looking forward to receiving your contributions and creating the Guidebook.

  22. Dear All,

    I looked through a collection of designs on, it's a site with templates for the design of various online documents, and realosed that I need your help to decide which design to choose. Can you have a look at the possible options and let me know which you prefer? Here is a link:

    1. Here is a shortened URL for the templates:

    2. You should choose one of them for your Guidebook.

  23. Good evening! Dasha Fomchenko and I have chosen "Communication"


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